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Haikus from a Cambridgeshire childhood, a life in the arts, love and loss. They are based on the technique of a three line verse, the first and third five syllabes and the second seven without punctuation unless entirely neccesary.

jelly girls smuggle
flasks of jam blood, mascara
for their mother's moon

behind the Cat’s back
a regiment of lead soldiers
defend a dead crow


black earth garnished
with rootcrop birdskull and feather
the yield of its traps

village boys reeking
of bonfires and tobacco
scuffling like pigeons

browned off shameless
each station a fool to rent
catapault ready


sweltering in the
eel river’s torpid August
lethargic like brown

venus sleeps inside
the quarter moon's hammock
the river's in love

listen to the snow
whisper first fall winter verse
scarecrow poetry

air raid sirens sound
vicars turn into spitfires
defend the jam vats

I'm in love I hear
the paranormal speak from
the church of your heart

the river idiot
in a cloud of mosquitos
eating a windmill

artists bring mirrors
archaeologists the moths
chemists true love

reeking old holburn
toothless old men spit their bile
at pigeon's wives

lets meet for some love
the prison of decisions
keeps an empty cell

the hospital glows
I'm queueing with the wounded
red sun smokes the west

they're still playing music
impro in your college of cafes
dancing to your blues

I stand there alone
outside the call box waiting
she knows that I'm there

the full moon floods waters
through the temple of your heart
rivers to your ocean

a fox and badger
held court in the lamplight’s gift
light to a boys heart

dreams that bleed desire
to write our book of longing
kissing just kissing

dumb kid bleeds jam pulp
luck pushing his high street stare
on boxing foxes

didicoys fighting
from bridge to bridge stealing pike
for tidal knowledge

autumns veterans
steer by steeple and smoke plume
age a silent road

In between dreamiing
I argue with my cages
then lock the mirrors

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