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Mary Jane Evans and Louis Hawkins present their third collaborative exhibition exploring their mutual fascination with the topography and textures of childhood landscapes: Dorset and the Jurassic Coast and East Anglia.  Mary Jane Evans through sculpture and ceramics, Louis Hawkins through painting and photography use metaphors of erosion in the natural world and destruction in the man-made,to create a compelling vision detailing the strength and fragility of memory and personal history.


Please do contact the artists (see contacts page) if you're interested in buying or discussing the work..


The Architecture of Memory

The main theme of my work is the transformation of materials which echo the forces, metaphors, substance and history within the Dorset landscape and urban destruction.  Pushing materials to extremes is fundamental to my work. I use exciting and unpredictable techniques combining porcelain, slate, corrosive materials and minerals using the kiln as a time machine to scar and erode my pieces.

My practice ranges across a number of disciplines including painting, photography and poetry. As a painter my work is inspired by abstract expressionism although I prefer to avoid any forms of categorisation and simply label my paintings as abstract landscape. My work aims to detail visual memories and in particular the abstracted forms, textures and colour themes of dreams and the subconscious. I also draws on cartographic images and forms to explore metaphors found in the natural and man-made landscape, as a way of mapping life's confounding journeys’ between dissonance and consonance.

Louis Hawkins

Mary-Jane Evans

Mary-Jane Evans by Malcolm Ashman

Louis Hawkins by Ben Hughes

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